Iron Mind 90 Vege Caps Iron Horse Series IHS

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Natural support for the mind, Synergistic extracts, Multi-level targeting, 100% VEGE, 30 servings per package

Iron Mind is a great choice for people burdened with a lot of mental effort and for all those whose memory is no longer reliable 😉

Most importantly - all ingredients have optimal concentrations that can really affect cognitive functions, focus, concentration and the ability to remember. Most products on our market have a rich composition, but the concentrations of individual ingredients are insufficient to affect any aspect that should be the goal of supplementation. Our goal is customer satisfaction - not PR and marketing.

According to the opinion of our team, the first effects could be noticed in the range of 7-14 days, and 3-month supplementation, after which we should take about a month break, is the best choice.

The dietary supplement can be used in people:

- working mentally

- with an increased amount of science

- who want to support cognitive functions

- who want to support the level of motivation and energy

- who want to support the health of the brain

Huperzine A - is a compound extracted from the Huperzia Serrata plant, which naturally occurs in Asia. It is a compound that has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. The largest number of studies on its potential therapeutic use has also been carried out in this country. Huperzine A is known as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, which means that it stops this enzyme from breaking down acetylcholine and, as a result, increases its concentration. It improves cognitive functions, intellectual performance and quality of life in patients with depression. Huperzine A also increases the strength of muscle contraction and alleviates the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Ashwagandha is more precisely an extract from the root of Ashwagandha. Withania somnifera (Latin withania somnifera l), one of the most popular adaptogens on the market. It is also known as Indian ginseng, and its properties and healing effects have been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. The medicinal raw material is mainly roots and fruits that increase vitality and improve the work of the mind.

L-theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea and inositol (vitamin B8). The preparation can have a calming and stress-relieving effect on the body. In addition, the product supports the process of remembering and concentration, supports lowering blood pressure. In addition, it promotes antioxidant processes and reduces the effects of free radicals.

Small-leaved Bakopa - also known as Brahmi. It is a plant that has been used since 800 BC. in Ayurvedic medicine to support brain and liver function. Studies conducted in recent years indicate the possibility of increasing the antioxidant activity of the body and inhibiting aging with regular supplementation with the extract. What is most important in this case - bacopa monnieri is most often used to strengthen memory and reduce hyperactivity.

Green coffee, which contains over 900 biologically active substances, is undoubtedly superior to roasted coffee, whose grains lose a lot of health-promoting ingredients during the roasting process, especially polyphenols. One of the most valuable ingredients in green coffee is, of course, caffeine. It affects the increase of mental efficiency, stimulates action, increases motivation, delays both physical and mental fatigue, stimulates the production of dopamine. Our product contains about 30mg of caffeine per serving. It is 1/5 espresso 😉

The synergistic effect of the ingredients in our products is the second most important factor and the key to the composition, right after the optimal concentrations.

  • Bacopa monnieri, Ashwagandha - improving concentration and memory, accelerating the learning process;
  • Huperzine A, caffeine, l-theanine, bacopa monnieri - stopping the work of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), increasing the level of acetylcholine (referred to as the transmitter of learning).